Shared Storage overview  |  Privacy Sandbox  |  Google for Developers (2024)

Allow unlimited, cross-site storage write access with privacy-preserving read access.

Implementation status

This document outlines a proposal for unpartitioned, cross-site storage: the Shared Storage API.

  • The Shared Storage API has now moved to general availability.
  • A live demo is available, as is testing:
    • URL selection output gate is available for local testing from Chrome M105+.
    • Private Aggregation output gate is available for local testing from Chrome M107+.
    • Measurement with the Private Aggregation API is now in general availability.
  • Chrome platform status
Proposal Status
Event-level reporting for Content Selection (selectURL()) Available until at least 2026
Per-site budgeting
Available in M119
Allow writing from response headers
GitHub Issue
Available in M124. Can be manually enabled in M119-M123
Private Aggregation contribution timeout
Available in M119
Debugging Shared Storage worklets with DevTools
Available in M120
Update Shared Storage data storage limit to 5MB
Available in M124

Why do we need this API?

To prevent cross-site user tracking, browsers arepartitioningall forms of storage (cookies, localStorage, caches, etc). However, there are anumber of legitimate use cases that rely on unpartitioned storage which wouldbe impossible without help from new web APIs. For example, a content producermay want to measure reach across different sites, without relying on cross-site identifiers.

The Shared Storage API allows sites to store and access unpartitionedcross-site data. This data must be read in a secure environment to preventleakage.

You can use Shared Storage data in two ways:

  • Cross-site content selection.
  • Noisy aggregation of cross-site data with the Private Aggregation API

Who is this for?

There are many different kinds of companies which may benefit from using theShared Storage API. For example:

  • Ad techs could measure campaign reach, set frequency caps, and rotate creatives, all of which currently rely on third-party cookies.
  • Payments providers could determine if a user is an existing customer and tailor the checkout experience.
  • Web security companies can build custom logic to flag suspicious or dangerous behavior.

Is your company looking for cross-site storage solutions that haven't yet beenaddressed? Share your use case.

Use cases

The Shared Storage API intends to support many use cases, replacing severalexisting uses for third-party cookies. This includes:

Use case Description Output gate
Rotate ad creatives You can store data, such as creative ID, view counts, and user interaction, to determine which creative users' see across different sites. This allows you to balance views and avoid oversaturation of certain content, which can help you avoid a negative user experience. URL selection
Run A/B testing You can assign a user to an experiment group, then store that group in shared storage to be accessed cross-site. URL selection
Customize user experience for known customers You can share custom content and calls-to-action based on a user's registration status or other user states. URL selection
Anti-abuse mitigations Anti-abuse, anti-fraud, and web security organizations often use proprietary techniques to detect malicious users, whether automated bots or real humans trying to cause harm. It's possible to test many different strategies here, whether it's using URL Selection output gate to encode a user trustworthiness rating or using the Private Aggregation output gate to build datasets for anomaly detection. URL selection, Private Aggregation API
Measure unique reach Many content producers and advertisers often want to know how many unique people saw their content. You can use Shared Storage to report on the first time a user saw your ad, embedded video, publication, and prevent duplicative counting of that same user on a different site, giving you an aggregated noisy report of your approximate unique reach. Private Aggregation API
Measure user demographics Content producers often want to understand the demographics of their audience. You can use shared storage to record user demographic data in a context where you have it, such as your 1P site, and use aggregated reporting to report on it across many other sites, such as embedded content. Private Aggregation API
Measure K+ frequency reach Sometimes described as "effective frequency," there is often a minimum number of views before a user will recognize or recall certain content (often in the context of advertisem*nt views). You can use Shared Storage to build reports of unique users that have seen a piece of content at least K times. Private Aggregation API

The proposal intends to create a general purpose API which supports manypossible future use cases. This allows for further experimentation and change,to grow alongside the web ecosystem.

Shared Storage allows you to make informed decisions based on cross-site data,without sharing user information (such as browser history or other personaldetails) with an embedding site or exfiltrating data to your own servers.

You can write to shared storage at any time, like other JavaScript storage APIs such as localStorage or indexedDB. Unlike the other storage APIs, you can only read the shared storage values in a secure environment, known as a shared storage worklet.

Worklets are where you add your business logic. Inside the worklet, you areallowed to read and process a value from Shared Storage, but you cannotdirectly return the exact value to the worklet caller. To extract usefulinformation from the worklet, a set of "gates" are available. There are twogates available, but more may be added in the future.

The available Shared Storage API output gates are:

  • Cross-site URL selection: You can run a worklet script to select a URL from a provided list, based on the stored data, and then render that content in a fenced frame.
  • Noisy aggregation with the Private Aggregation API: You can run a worklet to send cross-site data through the Private Aggregation API and return a summary report.

Shared Storage API for URL selection output gate and Private Aggregation outputgate are available for testing. Content selection can be tested in ChromeCanary/Dev/Beta M105+ and Private Aggregation API is available for testing inChrome M107+ Canary and Dev. The API can be tested by enabling all the Ad privacy APIs under chrome://settings/adPrivacy.

Use the demo

A demo is available, and you can review the code on GitHub.

This demo is constructed from the perspective of an advertiser, ad tech,content distributor or other third party service that wants to storeinformation across different publishers' sites. In the demo, the same thirdparty's code will run on both Publisher A and Publisher B sites foreach use case. Visit the publisher's pages to see how the data is shared in across-site context.

The demo contains use cases for content selection and Private Aggregation.

For the content selection demo,Rotate ad creatives,Customize use experience for known customers, andRun A/B testing use cases are available.

For the Private Aggregation demo, you can preview uniqueMeasure unique reach,Measure K+ frequency reach, andMeasure user demographics.

To inspect the Shared Storage worklets started from the page you are on, you can visit the "Sources" tab in the DevTools panel, and add the "Shared Storage Worklet / Script First Statement" event listener breakpoint. This breakpoint will pause the initial module script execution or short-lived worklets on startup.

Shared Storage overview | Privacy Sandbox | Google for Developers (1)

Additionally, the chrome://inspect/#shared-storage-worklets page shows all active Shared Storage worklets from all pages.

The Shared Storage proposal is under active discussion and subject to changein the future. If you try this API and have feedback, we'd love to hear it.

Shared Storage overview  |  Privacy Sandbox  |  Google for Developers (2024)
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Author: Delena Feil

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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.